Monday, May 18, 2009

Creations from the journey

I had to post this one, me holding up a couple of necklaces from the shop Kizito. The necklaces are created from magazines, newspapers, and beads. I was amazed by these since I work at a newspaper. There was also huge cookies that were sold there. The prices were great. The website can be located at Feel free to check it out, you can even order cookies. YUMMY!!!!

Finally a trip away

Okay, okay so I haven't written in awhile, a long time actually. I guess, sometimes, we get so busy we almost forget about ourselves or let ourselves become less important with everything else going on. Thinking back to New Year's Eve, I wanted to take care of me but my number 1 resolution was to log everything: my time, organization, etc.... I used to have a ton of post-it's around saying things like what I was supposed to do then I could never find them, lol. When I did I was like, "What in the world does this mean?" LOL, makes me laugh because sometimes I am just like that.

You know since Thursday night I have been off work for vacation, so Thursday until Tuesday off on paid vacation. I was so glad to have spare time and not stress about where or when I had to be somewhere. How I was going to get a Tally for Weight Watchers done and everything? I almost feel in a way that sometimes I do everything for others and then I lose myself in that.

I went to Clarksville with Chris for the LPIN Convention. He did such a great job. The hotel was beautiful with a heated pool, lake view, workout gym, huge conference rooms, etc... It was great because Jenny and I ventured to places here and there throughout the convention, and I had the best time. I forgot how fun I could have with other ladies. We chatted about tons of things. She made me see a lot, not only everything that is outside of Indianapolis but also some advice here and there. I loved that because it has been so long that I have even gotten advice. Sometimes, I feel like I give myself advice. So, I want to go back to venture through some things in Louisville, Bardstown, etc. It was a blast. Some pictures of wonderful things there and soon a whole album will be posted at

Feel free to check it out, have a great day everyone:) And, thank you Jenny for being amazing company this weekend.