Monday, May 18, 2009

Creations from the journey

I had to post this one, me holding up a couple of necklaces from the shop Kizito. The necklaces are created from magazines, newspapers, and beads. I was amazed by these since I work at a newspaper. There was also huge cookies that were sold there. The prices were great. The website can be located at Feel free to check it out, you can even order cookies. YUMMY!!!!

Finally a trip away

Okay, okay so I haven't written in awhile, a long time actually. I guess, sometimes, we get so busy we almost forget about ourselves or let ourselves become less important with everything else going on. Thinking back to New Year's Eve, I wanted to take care of me but my number 1 resolution was to log everything: my time, organization, etc.... I used to have a ton of post-it's around saying things like what I was supposed to do then I could never find them, lol. When I did I was like, "What in the world does this mean?" LOL, makes me laugh because sometimes I am just like that.

You know since Thursday night I have been off work for vacation, so Thursday until Tuesday off on paid vacation. I was so glad to have spare time and not stress about where or when I had to be somewhere. How I was going to get a Tally for Weight Watchers done and everything? I almost feel in a way that sometimes I do everything for others and then I lose myself in that.

I went to Clarksville with Chris for the LPIN Convention. He did such a great job. The hotel was beautiful with a heated pool, lake view, workout gym, huge conference rooms, etc... It was great because Jenny and I ventured to places here and there throughout the convention, and I had the best time. I forgot how fun I could have with other ladies. We chatted about tons of things. She made me see a lot, not only everything that is outside of Indianapolis but also some advice here and there. I loved that because it has been so long that I have even gotten advice. Sometimes, I feel like I give myself advice. So, I want to go back to venture through some things in Louisville, Bardstown, etc. It was a blast. Some pictures of wonderful things there and soon a whole album will be posted at

Feel free to check it out, have a great day everyone:) And, thank you Jenny for being amazing company this weekend.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Thinking and thinking

So, I'm just jotting down some feelings real quick so whoever reads just bare with me.... first off, I know I always write when I have things on my mind but who doesn't. It helps. I'm so tired, tired of everything, tired of working two jobs. It's exhausting, people around me tend to talk negative all the time and now it's got me doing it today. I had the most horrible morning, funny but horrible. I won't go into details but I made it through my day until now. I guess, sometimes I know where my dreams are but they seem so far away. I'm tired of working and stressing about both of my jobs. I know, I do a good job but sometimes it never feels good enough, you know. I never say... "Wow, Samantha you are doing it. I am proud of me." I know, I beat myself up especially when I am all alone in my place.

I have products everywhere, sometimes I can't escape it. My job is also at home. It invades my life and my space. Sometimes, I wonder what if I would stop leading meetings, helping others, just have one job, one life... would I be okay? Would I be happy with that or would I regret it? I work every single day, no one day off. My place is like a "Clean House" episode. Things piled up, papers lost in the mess, a closet that has clothes flowing out of it, etc, etc.... I try to put everything all together but my mind is a clutter like my apartment is.

I know, I'm getting overwhelmed, but wow what does one do when you never have enough hours in the day? You never have enough time to do what you want to do. I know, I need a mini-makeover of this place, my mind, and even just my thought process. I try to attend my meetings like I used to but then that back-fires and I end up helping or people ask me questions.

Sometimes, I just want to be a stranger in a crowd, that new member that no one knows. I miss that, I miss being rewarded for getting through the week without going to that food in my fridge to eat. It's hard helping others it really is when there is no one to help me. I feel lost in the clutter, and I've felt this way for awhile now.

Caution to internet users out there.....

Hello to whoever reads this.... I wanted to post something regarding this site to whomever uses it. The site is the common "Fandango." I'm not even placing a link to this site on my site, since I now have this site blocked. Well to make a long story short, a third party through this site recently accessed my debit card number without my permission and was charging $12.00 twice a month from Reservation Rewards and Shoppers Discounts since December. It was a service I did not agree to, but they were taking money from my account each month so I'm in the process of getting my cards switched and refunds from their company. What a mess, but I wanted to warn everyone I knew. I keep thinking....was the "Twilight" movie worth all this, lol, maybe or maybe not.... But, beware Fandango users, since it happened to me it may have happened to you also.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Valentine's Day aproaching

Is everyone ready for this coming Saturday, Valentine's Day? What is everyone doing? I was trying to research a couple of places, but everything is a bit expensive. First off, I hope everyone has a great Valentine's Day. Personally, it has never been one of my favorite holidays to celebrate. Maybe, all those years and months of seeing happy couples. But, I am proud to say I do have a Valentine this Valentine's Day again. Last year, I just had to take a picture....

AMAZING! A heart but inside isn't of the bad chocolates. It has the Weight Watcher 1 point chocolates. My Valentine is very creative, and he knows me oh so well. So, I'll keep everyone posted on what type of goodies I get this year.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Snow Days: 13" in Indy

Well, well, well, I have to laugh because yesterday was a nightmare. A nightmare, and I tried to make the best of it. Well, my little Cobalt got stuck in the middle of the rode. I look over and a couple that was shoveling just gave up falling into the snow while taking cell phone pictures of the snow. I started laughing in a way then I wondered would I ever make it into work and would I get into trouble if I didn't. I was supposed to be there at 9am, but that didn't happen.

I couldn't just leave my car in the middle of the road, so I tried to push it, but no luck with that. I began to freak out just a little. I went back inside to get warm and cut some cardboard pieces to put under the wheels but still nothing, no hope. A man came from across the way, and I was so thankful. Thankful he came to the rescue. He pushed and pushed while I tried to steer the car. We finally got it back into a spot.

I begin calling everyone, Chris didn't answer, mom and dad already at work, and then Chad from work was getting ready for work. He was going to come and get me, but I didn't want him to be late for work so he went ahead to work. Chris called back, but he was also stuck too. I began researching and the bus was near, so I get back on my winter snow boots and off to the bus stop. Everyone their was freezing. They were glad I brought the schedule for the inbound stops for downtown. Then, there it was like a new light....the bus. Oh faithful, it would get me to work.

After getting off the bus, I thought...WOW, that was dedication but also a headache. I was so glad I was able to make up the time at work for when I arrived late, but I'm wondering was it worth it in a way. LOL, yes oh yes it soon as I sat down to begin my morning at work. I hit the button to get a job and WOW.

My morning just got better, a picture of a lady was flashing me. I began talking a bit and laughing, "Okay guys what is this, umm how do I tone this?" I thought as taking a double and triple I really at work, did the guys plan this job, is this a joke just the everyone came over to see what I had and then I zoomed out of the PDF image to see not only the upper half out there like it was but so was the lower half. WOW, so much information yet wondering what the CMYK percentage is of this..... Too funny, that made my day I would have to say. Thank you so much to my team leader for handling that image for me. I am still wondering if there should be some sort of cheat sheet on how to tone certain images like this. Let's just say the rest of the day I feared opening PDF images. Classic day!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

And it begins

HAHAHA, I had to title this post that because it feels like everyone around me is stressing out and I am the only one trying to hold it together. Okay, way back, if people remember the old Samantha. I stressed all the time, about everything. I used to have to do everything when I worked at Wheels & Deals in Fishers. It didn't seem fair either. I did it all and never got a "Good Job Samantha." "Way to go." I guess from there and to now, I have become someone different. It's not that I don't care, but I try to be the positive thinker of a group.

Everyone is stressing out at work. It's almost as if it follows me to my lunch breaks and then home. I try to seek peace, but it is really hard when people just keep talking about it nonstop. Now, for someone like me stress isn't good. I tend to not feel well and such. This week has been tough, but we all got through it. Please, everyone hang in there. Everyone voted for Obama, so why is it everyone is still fearing that they will lose their jobs? You all wanted him in office, and right now I don't see any change yet.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Pondering thoughts

I usually try not to write much on these blogs but so much has been on my mind lately. The economy is bad, real bad. Everyone is worried and stressed as ever. I feel like I'm the only one staying positive. We found out a lot at work today, and on top of having an upset stomach it hit me pretty hard today. I've been sick with a stomach virus since Tuesday. I'm saving now, every week. So, anyone wanting to hang out I'm on a super tight budget. It's sad and times are rough, but we can all get through this.

Last Saturday, made me realize I am actually accomplishing what I wanted out of this whole journey not only to transform my lifestyle into a healthier one and to lose weight for myself, but to also help others with their journey. I wanted to give people hope out there that no matter who you too can lose weight. Its hard for me to listen to people who do not even want to try to make a healthier lifestyle for themselves.

I try to motivate others in my life, but then at times I feel like that doesn't even work. I love being active and doing things, but when people want to sit around and not do anything then I become clueless. I begin questioning myself...what did I do wrong? What did I say? I understand that everything costs money, but some things don't and that's what I still miss from this whole weight loss journey. I miss walking in the park, going to museums, free shows, walking around in the mall, etc.... Just anything really.

I've learned that I'm not waiting around anymore I have for a very long time and I shouldn't. If you want to do something might as well do it alone. I did Weight Watchers alone from the very beginning. Sure, I would have loved someone to be my support and be by my side at the meetings to do this journey together, but it did not happen this way.

This morning though made me really proud of myself. Proud of what I have accomplished. Everyday is sometimes a struggle, but believing in one's self can get you through to a new tomorrow. Hang in there everyone, and so will I. Costs for a lot of things have gone way up, but think of what you are investing in regardless if it's higher priced food, a gym membership, whatever it takes to help through these hard advice take care of yourself. You can do it, help reducing stress whatever it takes. Trying to get some more rest and get better, night everyone.